FBI adds three Iranians to its list of most wanted hackers

FBI adds three Iranians to its list of most wanted hackers

FBI Adds Three Iranians to Its List of Most Wanted Hackers

The world of cybercrime is an ever-evolving landscape, with new threats emerging constantly. In a recent development, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has added three Iranians to its list of most wanted hackers. This move highlights the escalating danger posed by cybercriminals and the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures. In this article, we will delve into the details of this significant development and explore the implications it has for individuals and organizations alike.


The FBI’s Most Wanted List has long been synonymous with notorious criminals, ranging from murderers to drug traffickers. However, with the increasing prominence of cybercrime, the bureau has expanded its scope to include hackers who pose a significant threat to national security and critical infrastructure. By adding three Iranians to this list, the FBI is sending a clear message that cybercriminals will be pursued with the same vigor as traditional criminals.

Background of the FBI’s Most Wanted List

The FBI’s Most Wanted List was established in 1950 and initially focused on capturing violent criminals. Over the years, it has evolved to encompass a diverse range of individuals involved in various criminal activities. With the rise of cybercrime, the bureau recognized the need to address this new breed of criminals who operate in the digital realm.

The Growing Threat of Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks have become increasingly frequent and sophisticated, posing a significant threat to governments, businesses, and individuals. These attacks can result in financial losses, data breaches, and the disruption of critical services. The inclusion of three Iranian hackers on the FBI’s Most Wanted List highlights the gravity of this threat and the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures.

Hacker Profile: Mansour Ahmadi

One of the hackers added to the FBI’s Most Wanted List is Mansour Ahmadi. Known for their advanced hacking skills, Mansour Ahmadi has been linked to numerous high-profile cyberattacks targeting government agencies and critical infrastructure. Their methods include spear-phishing, malware distribution, and exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems.

Hacker Profile: Ahmad Khatibi Aghda

Another individual on the FBI’s Most Wanted Hackers List is Ahmad Khatibi Aghda. This hacker has gained notoriety for orchestrating sophisticated cyber espionage campaigns, primarily targeting organizations in the defense and technology sectors. Their activities involve stealing sensitive information and intellectual property for financial or strategic gain.

Hacker Profile: Amir Hossein Nickaein Ravari

The third Iranian hacker on the FBI’s list, Amir Hossein Nickaein Ravari, has made a name for themselves by targeting financial institutions and cryptocurrency exchanges. Through ransomware attacks and cryptocurrency theft, they have amassed significant illicit profits. The inclusion of Amir Hossein Nickaein Ravari on the Most Wanted List highlights the growing threat of hackers targeting the financial sector.

Notable Cyberattacks Linked to the Iranians

The three Iranian hackers on the FBI’s Most Wanted List have been connected to various significant cyberattacks. These include attacks on critical infrastructure, government networks, financial institutions, and businesses across the globe. Their actions have caused substantial financial losses and compromised sensitive data, posing a severe threat to national security.

The FBI’s Efforts to Apprehend the Hackers

The FBI, in collaboration with international law enforcement agencies, is actively pursuing these Iranian hackers. Their apprehension is a top priority due to the severity of the crimes they have committed. By placing them on the Most Wanted List, the FBI aims to garner public attention and gather crucial information that can lead to their capture.

Collaboration with International Agencies

Cybercrime knows no borders, and tackling it requires international cooperation. The FBI is working closely with partner agencies from around the world to share intelligence, exchange best practices, and coordinate efforts to bring these hackers to justice. Such collaboration is crucial in the fight against cybercrime, as it enables a unified response to the global nature of these threats.

Impact of the FBI’s Most Wanted Hackers List

The inclusion of these three Iranian hackers on the FBI’s Most Wanted List has far-reaching implications. It serves as a deterrent to potential cybercriminals, and sends a strong message that their actions will not go unpunished. And demonstrates the FBI’s commitment to combating cyber threats. Moreover, it raises public awareness about the severity of cyberattacks and the importance of robust cybersecurity practices.

How Individuals and Organizations Can Protect Themselves

In the face of escalating cyber threats, individuals and organizations must take proactive steps to safeguard their digital assets. This includes implementing strong and unique passwords, keeping software up to date, employing multi-factor authentication, and regularly backing up data. Additionally, conducting cybersecurity awareness training and employing advanced threat detection systems can significantly enhance overall resilience.

The Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness

Cybersecurity awareness is paramount in today’s interconnected world. Individuals should be cautious while clicking on suspicious links, downloading files from unknown sources, or sharing sensitive information online. By practicing good cybersecurity hygiene, we can collectively create a safer digital environment.


The addition of three Iranians to the FBI’s list of most wanted hackers underscores the escalating threat posed by cybercriminals. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and take proactive measures to protect ourselves. By fostering international cooperation, raising public awareness, and investing in robust cybersecurity practices, we can mitigate the risks associated with cybercrime and ensure a secure digital future.


1. How does the FBI determine which hackers to include on the Most Wanted List? The FBI evaluates various factors, such as the severity and impact of the cybercrimes committed, the hacker’s skill level, and their potential threat to national security when determining who to include on the Most Wanted List.

2. Can individuals provide tips or information to assist in apprehending these hackers? Yes, the FBI encourages individuals to report any relevant information related to the hackers on the Most Wanted List. They can do so by contacting their local FBI field office or submitting tips through the bureau’s website.

3. Are the Iranian government and law enforcement cooperating with the FBI in apprehending these hackers? The level of cooperation between the Iranian government and the FBI varies in each case. However, international collaboration between law enforcement agencies is essential to combat cybercrime effectively.

4. How long does it typically take for hackers on the Most Wanted List to be apprehended? The time it takes to apprehend hackers on the Most Wanted List can vary significantly. It depends on factors such as the complexity of the investigation, international cooperation, and the hacker’s ability to evade capture.

5. What are the potential consequences for hackers who are apprehended? If apprehended and convicted, hackers on the Most Wanted List can face severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences and substantial fines. The consequences may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific charges brought against them.

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