Guide for Staying Anonymous(not just for beginners)

Guide for Staying Anonymous(not just for beginners)

Thank you for purchasing Advanced Carding Tutorial

Before we start, I would heavily recommend you have a read through my guide on staying anonymous

As stated in the title, this is an advanced tutorial, so I am going to assume that you know the basic foundations of carding. This tutorial will be composed of the following and more: How to card VBV/OTP, Methods for sites, cc to btc method and my recommended source of cards. The information I am going to show is information I have spent 2-3 months to gather and I have spent over $1000 worth of tutorials and have condensed it all for you in one tutorial. I will try to make it as brief as possible to avoid it being boring. But, we must not hide from the truth- you must be willing to put some time into thorough research or you will not be as efficient in the game.

Guide for Staying Anonymous(not just for beginners)
Guide for Staying Anonymous(not just for beginners)


Please take some time to quickly run though what I say below. An understanding of the foundation of companies security procedures will allow you to improvise your own way of getting around these systems. Remember, a successful carder finds his own way of getting past an obstacle. I’m offering my own personal methods as a kickstart and or motivation. Happy reading and I hope you learn a lot from this!

Every transaction has a fraud score from 0-999. This system is used by four of the biggest banks in US and other banks are using similar systems. If the transaction scores more than 300 points, the transaction will be checked manually by a bank employee, of whom will decide whether to contact the cardholder or to allow transaction. Transactions which score more than or 500 points are autocancelled, the card is blocked, and the cardholder is contacted by the cardholder. Things that add fraud points:

1) Comparing transaction with payments which cardholder made in past- This is very important point. If cardholder is a really big spender, it means that a big transaction won’t be flagged by the bank.

2) The location of your payment – International transactions are considered risky, especially if cardholder never made an international transaction in his life.

3) The balance of the card, if the card has a balance of $5000, if you spend the whole balance in one transaction without informing the bank, there are extremely high chances you will fail. Be smart, think like a normal customer. You wouldn’t spend all of your balance on your card on a pair of shoes..

There is a risk faction used by the merchant/shop, this is how it works:

1)Geo Ip location = country of your Ip must match the cc holders’ location

2) High risk country – there are some countries associated with fraud. They look at your IP/billing address/shipping address are from such countries. Some of those being : Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,Mecadonia, USA.

3)Distance, Distance between IP address and billing address.

4)Bin number match – country of credit card match the country of IP.

5)Carder E-mail – if email which you used is in the fraud database (rare).

6) Open proxy – if you are making a payment from a public proxy.

7)Spam IP- if your ip is associated with spam.

We will be splitting the carding tutorial into two sections: Section 2 and Section 3. Section 2 is for purchases for 500-900$, and 3 for anything above.

Section 2

For section 2 carding, we need:


Exp Date

Cardholder name

1 Billing address

2 Billing name

3 Billing number




Background report (sometimes)

Sometimes when you don’t have all the specific information required, a quick google search usually will tell you all that you need.

With second level carding, you need to make sure you have a good live cc, you can purchase cc online through a shop here or you can also buy high balance cards through me You will need your proxy as closest to the CC holder as possible and you want to change your mac address and clear your cookies with ccleaner of course. Guide for Staying Anonymous

Section 3

This is considered intermediate carding and may take up some more time to complete a successful transaction this method is only necessary for big transactions over 1k. You will also need all of the above and will involve ATO (account take over). ATO is the process when a fraudster calls the bank and makes changes he wants, without the cardholders permission.

For ATO, we need to call the bank, but dont hurry, as before we must prepare. It would be useful to list out all the information they might ask. Have the fullz listed out infront of you so when the bank asks a question you wont hesistant. If the bank ask you ‘What is your age’ and you take a pause before u answer, it raises suspicion. It would also be wise getting a cc that is your sex, and near to your age so you can impersonate better.

Remember we are trying to make the bank employee believe as much as possible that we are the card holder. It would be wise to do a quick background check using webpages like whitepages. Amex ik for a fact, asks for dob, name and credit card number (really easy) but banks like Chase, ask for SSN and MMN. So make sure your prepared. If your completely stuck, and need a valid excuse to hang up the phone, you could say something like ‘Sorry *bank employees name* I really can’t remember that piece of information, perhaps I could have a little look and call back later?’ Remember to be polite, most employees are women so throw in a few compliments they love that shit.

If you get through and you achieve success, then all you need to do is change the billing number. Perhaps an excuse would be that you moved house and havent updated it with the bank yet. You would need to change the billing number so you can bypass OTP authentication (text verification).Once you have text verification there is a very high chance your transaction will be successful. In my opinion, to card successfully, you just need common sense and good with your words. After you have changed the bill number, leave the card for about 4-5 days to let the card ‘rest’. Doing a large purchase just after you changed your billing number and make a large purchase, it will be suspicious. Guide for Staying Anonymous

After this, its pretty easy to order what you want. Perhaps you wanted to order from Selridges, you would call up the bank to confirm your doing a large transaction to make sure you don’t get blocked. Sign up on the website you want to buy from, play around with the website for a bit. Put things in your basket, take them out – get some valid history and gather cookies on the site. After a day, place the order and wait for the VBV transaction page. Now you need to call up the seller and say you need to reroute to your newly moved house (your drop address). They should ask a few security questions but nothing you don’t already have.

If successful, congratulations, you have successfully carded your first expensive product

If you manage to card something successfully, please pm me your order confirmations on my ICQ:7438749

Hope you found this tutorial helpful,

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