Basic Carding Tutorial with Dumps 2022

Basic Carding Tutorial with Dumps 2022

Basic Carding Tutorial with Dumps

What do I need for real carding?

This is an excellent question. You will need some cash. The following will be helpful but not required at first. You should get these items at some point, but you don’t need them right away. I will tell you why in the next section.

Basic Carding Tutorial with Dumps 2022
Basic Carding Tutorial with Dumps 2022


Computer-laptop is best, as you can carry it with you on your ops if you desire. If you don’t have a laptop, you can use your home P.C. till you can afford to get one. Of course, with home P.C., you cant take it with you on your ops.

Encoder – If you look around, almost every has or talks about an MSR206. This seems to be the preferred encoder, but you can also use an AMC722. The AMC722 is usually cheaper and does the same thing. You can find these for pretty reasonable prices on the net. An internet company will ship overnight, and you can send payment by Western Union. They have a special for $550.00. You get MSR206 + Exeba Encoding Software + 50 loco or hico cards  Also, XRAYSWIPE has pretty good deals on them and is a reviewed vendor; You can use Exeba Comm software, or TheJerm has a software program for the MSR206.

Laptop Bag – You can put your laptop and encoder in this also  Nice to have if you want to take your laptop and encoder on op’s.

Power Inverter – Needed to run your encoder, and it is excellent to have it out for an extended period and the laptop is dying. You can get these just about anywhere, even Wallyworld.

Novelty Id – This should be at the top of your list as one of the first things you should get then You will need this at some point. You do not want to use your accurate info  I repeat, do not even for one time use your accurate information  There are some good vendors that are quick also. Just look under the reviewed vendor section for more details.

Dumps – Get them from zeusk. You can get classic, gold, platinum, world, business, signature, etc. If this is your first time, you may want to get classic and start by shopping for low-end items, I.E., anything under $200-$500. Now classics working not good and will go for 1 or 3 times that, but the general rule of thumb is under $300, and you should be okay  Gold and Platinum for items above $500 but say to $1,000, and Business, Signature $1,000 and above  These are just suggestions and not complex rules.

Track 1 and 2 or just Track2 – you can get from zeusk. If you have track2 only, you can generate track 1 with the PCKit-track1 generator. You will want to encode both ways to your Card, making sure to change the name on the dump. Some stores only use track2, but it’s best to stay safe and encode both.

Dump Example
Track1 B410000000000000000000^REGAN/RONALD^0409XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Track2 41000000000000000000=04091XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

You, of course, change the name on track1 to your Novelty last name and first name.

Plastic cards to put dumps on. Okay, again, never use your Card to encode onto; just not the best idea. You can get cards from just about anywhere, and some drugstores sell prepaid cc’s; you can try that or get a Visa or MasterCard branded gift card. Most malls carry this type of GiftCard. Simon Cards have been used a lot in the past, so I would suggest staying clear of those. The best way to Buy from a plastic vendor.

Wallet-You will need an extra wallet to store your novelty items. You don’t want to use your wallet and keep having to take your real cards and id out and replace them with your Novelty.

Anon Phone-Don’t need it, but if you have a phone merchant, you can call from the anon cell before using your Card.

You don’t need everything I have, but they all are helpful.

Quick Start-Up: Okay, so you don’t have the time to wait to get all your tools, or maybe your cash flow is not flowing. You may ponder how I can get up and go as quickly and cheaply as possible.

Answer: You can buy dumps from a reviewed vendor, of course, and buy plastic from a plastic vendor also. Most plastic vendors will encode your cards for you, so This may be the cheapest way to go. Ay you buy five dumps for $50.00 = $250.00 and 5 plastic for $75.00 =$375.00 total for both $625.00. Add a drop to that $50.00, and for $675.00, and you will be ready to go. Another advantage of going this route is you will have matching plastic. The plastic vendor will emboss your plastic with your novelty information f you don’t have a lot of funds, try taking a cash advance on your Card. You will be able to repay it rather quickly.

Okay, I finally got everything; I’m ready to go, Right?

Answer: Okay, hang on there, Skippy; you may think you are ready but are you??

Get into The Correct Frame Of Mind: Remember you are the Cardholder. This is your Card, and you will treat it as such repeat 50 times, then say back words 25 times, lol; just kidding. Still, you are who you say you are this is your Card. Doesn’t be scared. This is your Card ho’s. Your Card is also a good idea to be aware of what your novelty id says now, the address, etc.; this will help you feel more at ease and will allow if the cashier asks the wall question, e prepared to go over in your mind how different scenes might play out and have good sensible answers.

Remember, the customer is always right; never let them think you’re not legit, even if they throw it in your face.

Pick Your Poison   Where should I shop)
If you are a Newbie, you should try stores with self-swipe checkouts. Just beware, some self-swipes will verify your id; if you want to get your feet wet, grocery stores with self-swipes are friendly. They even have the ones where you ring up your shit and pay without a cashier.

Gas Stations- I would suggest staying away from gas stations ost have cameras, and why risk someone getting your car info for such a small purchase? Plus, some dumps will die when using a Gas Station.

Using Cards with non-matching last 4- Simple shop at stores that do not check the previous four or use AVS or type in CW2. I’m not going to post which stores do and do not at this time, so If you don’t know any off hand, go there in person and use your legit card and watch what they do.

Cards with matching last 4- Shop anywhere that doesn’t have AVS or type in CW2. I will not list any stores. You will have to do your research.

What is AVS?

Address Verification System- verifies cardholders’ real addy, sometimes only uses zipcode.

Security- This is a vital topic, and here are some tips. First, never park in front of the store in which you are also shopping. I  someone gets suspicious of you, then they may write down your license plate, or if they have cameras outside, they may catch it on their cameras. Ways, park far enough away that the store can see which car you got into. I possibly park around a corner or have someone else drive and wait out of site for you.

If you are using the buddy system, You can get some two-way radios or both. Keep your cell phone on you, and if shit hits the fan, you can sprint away and have the car meet you somewhere nearby  N ver run directly toward your car. If shit hits the fan and you have the run, then security is probably running after you. S e planning for more information on this  A, so you may want to carry a small can of mace or pepper spray key chain size, etc. T can be used to get your freedom from security but may lead to more charges if caught.

Planning- Okay, You are now just about ready to go.

1. What area will I be shopping in. What stores- Best to know in advance you can make driving directions to the site and from store to store. This is excellent and will speed up the time you’re in one area  H helps you find the quickest way to and from the area; also, Y, you don’t have to go this route. You can go what I would call this free styling.

2  Once you spot your store, find a good parking spot away from the camera, out of view from the store, so Look around. What will you do if shit goes wrong  A good rule of thumb is never run directly toward the car  Y. You can park around the corner in the next parking lot over. If shit hits the fan you can exit the store go in the opposite direction, and loop around behind the store to your car  Unless your 500 pounds and cant run in. If you try this method, you may get caught if you have to run.

3  Bring other Shirts with you  This is nice; you can change your shit when shopping at different stores this will help you keep much safer  And if you’re being chased, you can take one off and have the other one underneath.

4  Most of the time, you won’t have any problems, and you may tire of parking so far away; you tell yourself I’ve done this 100 times and no issues B t never let your guard or security down. This is what keeps you safe, plus it’s good to walk a bit for health reasons.

5  Keep them guessing, some people wear hats and sunglasses  My advice is don’t wear sunglasses inside it only makes you look shady  A easy way to change your appearance is to use authentic glasses  If you don’t wear glasses use Stage glasses these look like regular lenses but are clear with no prescription  If you already wear glasses try different frames or use contact lenses  A so you can change your facial hair, grow a mustache or a goatee or beard  T en shave it off after some time and go bareback, etc  These are ideas to change your appearence.

6  D ess the part, dress to fit in, you don’t want people to remember you.

7  A ways shop a good distance from where you live  You don’t want them to catch you on camera and put a picture of you on the news for your family or friends to see  A so you don’t want to go back to the same stores using your legit information  I ?s unlikely they will catch you but you can never be too safe.

Okay I’m ready

Okay, you have your cards and dumps, you planned your op out and you have got your mind ready to go what’s next?

Shopping- Yeah let’s go, Remember this is your card  B  confident and act normal  Pick out your product proceed to the cashier, and check out  Choosing your cashier is vital and you will get rather good with this as you go from what I have heard  a so Usually younger females are the best  Y u want them to process you like everyone else  Make them feel they have no reason to ask for more information like id etc  If they ask for id show them, keep in your wallet and just hold it for the can see,
If they ask to see your Card to compare signatures let them do it but keep your hand held out till they give it back t en Start small and grow slowly, take time to learn the ropes and it will pay off for you big time.

Also if your card is declined it’s a good idea to carry a backup with you  Y u can tell them you might have overdrawn your account or limit and tell them you will try another card  If your 2nd Card is declined or you don’t have one  T ll them you will go to a bank or go get your checkbook etc  I  for some reason you get a pick-up Card to tell them you wife or girlfriend lost her Card and reported her’s lost and you forgot  9 % of the time they will say okay  Y u can then try another card or tell them you will be back with a checkbook.

Call for authorization- if this happens tell them you are in a hurry and don’t have the time to deal with that or tell them your card must be over the limit and you don’t want to purchase the item now  A t as a cardholder would act embarrassed  Whatever you do, don’t go through with the call especially if they have your card in there hand.

What to stay away from- If you are new don’t try carding a laptop right away  Smart small, I would suggest staying away from high fraud items I.E. laptops and electronics  A so stay away from high-security stores i.e. B.B. and CC  A d stay away from malls they have more security then you need to deal with in the beginning.

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